About Mt. Olives
We believe that all scripture is given by inspiration of God. We believe that the written word of God is the only and sufficient rule both of the Christian faith and practice in our lives. We believe that Christ is the eternal, supreme God.
By salvation, we understand it as a means to holiness of heart and life. This springs from only true faith.
We believe that faith is the means by which God’s law is established. We are people who have the love of God in our hearts. This is a gift from God’s Holy Spirit. And the same Spirit causes us to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, with all our souls, with all our minds, with all our strength.
God is the joy of our hearts, the desire of our souls, which cry out constantly, ‘’whom have in heaven but you lord? There is nothing on earth that I desire but you my God and my all! You are the strength of my life. You Lord are all that l need’’.
We do not fear God’s wrath for ourselves. Perfect love has banished fear of God’s punishment from our hearts. Therefore, we are able to rejoice evermore. We do not rejoice in ourselves or in our achievement. Instead we rejoice in God who is our Lord and Savior. We acknowledge God as our Father, because we have received from Jesus Christ the power to become glad and grateful children of the Father. We realize that we belong to God instead of Satan. This is redemption. It is possible only because Jesus gave His life on the cross. He shed His blood to make atonement for the sins of all who believes in Him. We trust in Christ alone for our salvation. We know that the blood of Jesus has cleansed us from all sin. Through Christ and Christ alone, we have received forgiveness for our sin.
We give thanks that God loved us enough to spare us- to blot out our transgression and iniquities, to atone for us with the shed blood and broken body of his beloved Son.
We cannot help rejoicing. We rejoice every times we think of our narrow escape from eternal destruction. We rejoice that by God’s kindness, we sinners have been placed in a new and right relationship with our creator. This miracle has been accomplished through Jesus Christ, the beloved Savior.
Whoever, thus, believes experiences the assurance of God’s love and forgiveness. This clear and certain inner recognition is witness that we are children of God by faith. This truth is made known to us as God sent His own Spirit to bear witness deep within the mind and soul of believers, enabling us to cry out ‘’Father my Father’’. This is the inner witness of God’s Holy Spirit, testifying to us of our adoption into God’s owns family.
We rejoice because we look forward confidently to seeing the glory of Christ fully revealed one day. ‘’Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to the Father abundant mercy He has caused us to be re-born so we can enjoy this eternal hope which never fades or tarnishes. This is an inheritance of faith. It cannot be stolen, lost or destroyed in any way. It is a pure and permanent hope. God has reserved its fullfillment in eternity for us.
Having this great hope, we give thanks to God at all times and in all circumstances. For we know that God expects his children to be always grateful.
We receive every happening cheerfully, declaring “good is the will of the Lord”. Whether the Lord gives or takes away, we bless the name of the Lord”.
We learned to be content, whether we have much or little. When humiliation comes, we accept this gladly as the Father’s will. When prosperity and good fortune come, we likewise give God the credit. We accept all circumstance gladly, knowing that those are God’s doing, intended for our ultimate good.
We thankfully cast our every care upon God, never failing to let God know all about our need and problems.
We never stop praying. It is second nature for us to pray and not to be discouraged. We are often on our knees in humility before God, but we do not spend all our time in contemplation. Therefore, we cannot follow the crowd when the crowd chosen to do evil. We can no more be preoccupied with making money that we cannot swallow.
We will not take part in any measurement which has the least possibility of causing any more than we can lie for God or any person. Love keeps guard over our lips, so we cannot speak evil of any body.
We do good to all, our neighbors and stranger, our friends and enemies. Naturally, we provide food for the hungry, clothing to the naked, we visit people who are sick and in prison. We also labour to do good to the souls of people. We labour to awaken those who have never known God and therefore sleep the slumber of eternal death. When people are awakened to God, we help them realize that the atoning blood of Jesus has power to cleanse away their sins. The greatest work we can do is to help somebody get into right relationship with God. For this is the only way a person can have peace with God.
We refuse to be distinguished from other men by way other than the common principles of Christianity- the plain, old Christianity that we teach, renouncing and detesting all other marks of distinction. It is not a matter of denominational label but of being inwardly and outwardly conformed to the will of God, as this revealed in the Bible.
The Christian thinks, speaks and lives according to the pattern set by Jesus. And his or her soul is reserved in righteousness and holiness after God’s own image.
As Jesus said ‘’whoever does the will of the heavenly father is our brother, sister and, mother”.
In conclusion, we remember always that there is one body and one spirit, one hope to our calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all. He is above all things, through all things and in us as well.